Case Study: Ecoprogetto Venezia s.r.l.

10 febbraio 2021

by Idroelettrica spa

A fire-fighting system by Idroelettrica S.p.A. for the safety of the recycling and waste processing plant


The customer's project envisaged an optimisation and rationalisation of the fire-fighting system, connected to a wider reorganisation of the plant Hub.
This project provides for the possibility of producing energy through modern co-combustion plants that use as main fuel the CSS produced by the plants installed at the same production site, which treat the residual dry waste of urban matrix and, after recovering ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals and plastics to start them in the recovery chain, with the remaining waste they produce a fuel that virtuously supplies all the plants of the Hub.
This extensive project also included the modernisation and rationalisation of the fire-fighting system; it was therefore decided to replace the old thrust units distributed in the area, with a single modern thrust unit, adapted to the needs of the entire Hub, with the possibility of remote supervision and connected to the PLCs for control and management of the production lines.


After inspection of the technical staff and in-depth interview with the plant designer, it was decided to proceed with the supply of a FIREBOX, a special technical room that allows direct access to the machines for routine maintenance operations. Our technicians have made the system operational by testing the complete pumping station. 


Thanks to the collaboration of all the staff of Idroelettrica, we have achieved a more than satisfactory result, which is why we like to consider ourselves something more than simple builders of elements, but we become true partners able to suggest and implement, thanks to the experience gained over the years, solutions that facilitate the work of the customers.